Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What a Day

Finally, the day is coming to an end as a new one begins its revolution towards the west.

Today was a good day for me. I feel rejuvenated... my depression is finally subsiding and my cold is going away. For the first time in 3 days, my head feels somewhat normal, although my ears are still clogged and I don’t think a plunger to the head would be the healthiest form of alternative medicine. That was a joke. lol.

I made it a point to drink a lot of water today. Hydration is key to detoxing the body from artificial chemicals. Herbal teas also seem to help, if you use the right blends. Today I drank a nice Yerba Mate in the morning before school, and at lunch I drank a spicy Chai tea.  Now that it's getting near my bed time, I'm anxious to put my kettle on the stove to indulge in a hot cup of chamomile.

I didn't do much today other than school and helping my parents move out our old washer/drier to bring in the new (Mom just loves Black Friday.) My dad and I went to the store to get palm and cactus mix. I recently purchased 3 Sceletium Tortuosum, aka Kanna, a South African native medicinal succulent that has been used by the natives for quite some time... Anyways, the plants came in pretty bad shape. The soil is somewhat molded and a lot of the plant material is bruised. It's going to take some nurturing to bring these plants back to life. As my mom always said, you have to start from the ground up, so I intend to.

I will take pictures of my plants and post them up tomorrow so you all can start to track the growth (if any,) of at least one of my plants. I'm really excited about this one. As you all should know by now, I love plants that have noticeable effects on people, as subtle as they may be. I just find the connection between people and plants to be fascinating...

By the way, check out my other blog. Its All about plants! @Subherban

Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to post some new pictures of me and a few of my plants. I look forward to writing to you all soon!

Peace and LUV!

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